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Shekinah glory
The glorious light
Of God 's Divine presence
Dazzling to our sight

When surrounded
By this unspeakable illumination
Our darkest secrets
Come under examination

As our soul is laid bare
Before our Maker we fall
A total transformation takes place
As we surrender our all

With deep remorse and repentance
We bow before THE KING
His forgiveness and GRACE
Supersedes any worldly thing

.......Restoration comes from the inside
Eventually reaching our mind,
Our concepts, our attitudes,
Revealing where we're blind.

Beliefs and our identity
Things hidden in our life's central core
Revealed with the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE
Which Heals where we're sore

The absolute realisation
Of who we are In Christ
Sons and daughters of the Most High
Nothing else will suffice

....Dearly loved, empowered
Reborn set FREE
Intimacy of relationship
Is for all eternity

Our number one priority
The curse was broken by Jesus
He removed "The human malady"

Gloriously free
From old religious traditions
Displaying new fresh vitality
During this transforming transition

FREE to be the person
We were created to be
Reaching our fullest potential
Living LIFE abundantly

.......Like salt, light and fragrance
Imparting LIFE
By God's unction and power
His WORD removes strife

Without judgement or condemnation
THE GOLDEN RULE applied everywhere!
In THIS TIME of celebration

.......As we worship
With a heart full of gratitude
With "The Angelic Hosts", we will sing

Written 25th March 2014

Revelation Chapter Four.

Verse 8................ Holy, Holy, Holy is The Lord God Almighty
The one who always was,
Who is,
And who is still to come

Verse 11.

"You are worthy, O Lord our God,
To receive glory and honour and power.
For you created all things,
And they exist because you created what you pleased."

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