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The World Is Becoming A Fearful Place

The world is becoming a fearful place,
filled with uncertainty,
amidst the dangers posed by the terrorism presently taking place
and threatening to take place,
as those given over to lawlessness and hatred fester in their hatred,
justifying it in the midst of their atrocities against innocent victims.
I says the Father of all light, mercy and truth
shall intervene very soon now in the affairs of man
and my intervention shall see the removal of all such evil from off the earth.
This will take time to eradicate
but I will most certainly eradicate it, my son,
even as I will deal with the Nations who seek to trample upon other Nations
for the outworking of their own grandiose plans.
There are many forms of wickedness taking place upon the earth,
Some most glaring and blatant in their out-workings,
but there is much that goes on in secret hidden places
dressed in an air of respectability,
and this wickedness is more far reaching and insidious
than that which is clearly seen as evil, for my precious son,
any man or woman who plots to gain wrongful control over another
for the exploitation of that individual,
is committing grave sin in my sight and shall account for their actions.
Even as the world’s leaders seek to bring terrorists to account,
I shall bring many of them to account also for their secret hidden sins.
The polarisation I discussed with you at the beginning of this month (February) is deepening as Nations jostle for the outworking of their own interests
at the expense of others.
Like a tree, my son, grows so to shall this grow,
and as it begins to bear its fruit it shall be recognised,
the manner of tree it is,
and I shall begin to deal with many Nations very soon now when their fruit begins to appear upon their limbs.
I have discussed with you a number of times now my son,
of how I have been preparing men and women
throughout my deeply troubled humanity,
who I shall raise up and empower to deal with the great evil
presently growing in the heart of man,
and of how these ones shall be as bristles in the broom I shall form with them ,
and I shall put forth my hand and sweep with that broom
making the earth clean again as I do so.
Every form of evil carried out upon the earth
shall stand exposed before my great broom
and as I begin to sweep a great wave of repentance shall break forth
as the hearts of those committing acts of evil
are caused to become transparent before my broom.
Yes those who do not repent and seek me shall be swept before my broom
and driven to the place appointed
for all such ones given over to evil continually.
My son, you have been born into a most troublesome time upon the earth.
You were conceived and born during the second world war when the whole of mankind was caught up in strife through wicked men
amongst whom was one given completely over to wickedness
and the ingredients for this happening again have already been put together
and are being mixed at this time
as the show down between good and evil hots up upon the earth.
In the midst of the mounting chaos that threatens man,
I shall bring forth my light and truth and begin the great harvest of souls that shall bring the return of the Christ at its completion.
Yes my son, I have been opening my heart to you
and revealing my plans to you
for you care what I think and feel and have planned for mankind.
I shall continue to reveal my plans to you
and at my direction
you shall place upon your web page
from that which I have been revealing to you
that others can be comforted in the knowledge I bring to them, in this way.
The internet is a marvellous thing
and at the same time a most cursed thing, for good and evil,
great evil, are mixed up together,
and I have been establishing sites that are good
to combat the rising tide of evil on the internet.
And as I bring about the great harvest of souls
and cleanse the minds of those who repent,
many of the evil sites will close never to open again
and the tide of evil on the internet shall be reversed
as good overtakes the evil presently proliferating there.
What mankind takes into his mind,
what mankind feeds upon
brings about the downfall or the up-building
according to the choices made and actions carried out.
I must make mankind aware of my love
and draw her away from all that is evil
and feed the mind of man with all that is good
that my laws may be written upon the heart of man
in this your generation, my son.
I shall bring my Christ back to the earth when the time is right
and He shall rule and reign over a reformed mankind.
One made able to live at peace and seek the well-being of others.
This is possible and I shall bring it to pass says the Father unto you this day.
Thursday 27th February 2003

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