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A New Covenant
A relationship of commitment
Between us and Our Maker
A lasting agreement

The first covenant
Given to Moses long ago
Sadly disregarded
Their own WAYS they did go!

He took them by the hand
Lead them out of slavery
To The Promised Land
Via 'The Wilderness', faithfully

......."Behold, the days are coming
Said The Lord long ago
I will make a new covenant"
Now many believe, receive....... GROW!

"In that day
I will write My Laws on their minds
Inscribe them on their heart
Bring sight to 'The Blind"

"I shall be their God
And they my people
They shall know me
The rich, the least, the feeble"

Relationship not religion
His gift of Grace
From Our Redeemer The Messiah
HOPE for the Human Race.

WRITTEN 29th November 2016

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